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Step Two_ Add Value.png

It is God’s will that all might hear the Good News of Jesus. We are praying and believing that the hearts of people everywhere will turn to Christ, and it is our desire to equip you to be a part of His mission.

How do you show the whole world who Jesus is? ONE person at a time: each one, reach one. Your ONE is the person God has put on your heart and within your reach who has yet to commit their lives fully to Christ.

We have provided four steps and plenty of resources to help you in your journey of reaching your one.

  • John 14:14 says, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

  • We know that God desires none should be away from Him (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9), so when we are praying for our ONES to know Jesus, we know it’s in line with His heart. Pray for opportunities to love them and share Christ, and pray for God’s will to be done in their lives.


  • Check out this 5-10 minute prayer resource here. And this 30-60 minute prayer resource here!

  • Reach out to your one this week to see how they’re doing. A message, call, text, email, DM goes a long way. Be their friend, without an alterer motive! 

  • Share Hope on your Social Media Platform.

  • Your friends need to see the change in your life. Your story is powerful.

  • Create a short video to post online to share your story and invite your friends to do the same. Tag Awakening Church in your posts so we can celebrate you! 

  • You can also invite your friends to follow or “like” our page on the Awakening Church social media accounts. Links are at the bottom of this page.


Invite your ONE to be a part of a life-changing community with you by…

  • Invite your ONE to experience a Sunday worship gathering with you. Remember, they will join because of you, so be sure to interact with and love them!


  • Connect them with a City Group! Inviting and attending with your ONE is a great way to go to a deeper spiritual level with them!

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"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." Romans 1:16

  • The good news of Jesus is like a treasure that we have been given as stewards to give away. Tell your story together of how Jesus changed your life. Your story is powerful!


  • Life change begins with a conversation. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most profound reality of life. But sharing it with someone can be as simple as three circles. Discover how you can share the gospel with anyone using the Life Conversation Guide.

  • The LIFE CONVERSATION GUIDE helps answer common questions in a simple and memorable way so that you can begin to naturally and actively share it with others.

  • Share the powerful story of redemption through an animated video found here.

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